Monday, March 16, 2009

A Lesson in Failure.

I failed Calculus B today. I have coasted through years of college with minimal effort and have still ended up on the Dean's list many times. A decent IQ, and a good foundation laid by my parents have made education a breeze up until Calc B. This is the first course I have ever failed and I am almost happy about it because finally someone is not going to let me get away with being lazy. The class is required for my major so I will be taking it again sometime in the near future. I am excited for the challenge! I did not complete a single homework problem the entire quarter. The only effort I put into the class was logging a few hours at The place is amazing. If you need any help with any math, it is definitely the place to go.

Much beer and coffee roasting news is to come soon.


  1. I almost failed biomechanics and accounting I. I was not happy about. I did not have a baby, wife, jobs, or house to keep up with. And I didn't have enormous wiki projects. You'd have be superhuman to not drop the ball somewhere! You're like your brother, you know... he never did any homework either. You guys must have very good IQs... especially for never being breastfed :). I'm already scared of Thor. Anyway, this is getting long. Sorry to hear the bad news!
