Friday, February 20, 2009


The old Minnesotan Lutheran in me is wary of writing a post titled "Beer". I will have to outline the evolution of my convictions in a later post. For now, it is hardly necessary to know that I enjoy it--only that I am brewing it!

My good friend Earl invited me to help him make homebrew a few years back and I have joined him on a couple of occassions. A month or so ago he provided help, knowledge, and equipment to enable my own first batch. We got to enjoy the first bottle on Tuesday and it seems to get better every day. My only complaint is that for the cost I might as well have bought it at the store. In fact, if time is money I really got the short end of the stick.

My first batch was created with malt extracts. This is the only way Earl has ever done it. Yearning for more affordable beer I have studied intently the world of all grain brewing. If I grow my own hops, culture my own yeast, and buy malt in bulk, I think that I could be making beer for well under $10 per 5 gallons. Now, don't conclude that I am an alcoholic. I just enjoy good beer a whole lot more than bad beer, and I also love saving money.

If you stick around, I will certainly fill you in on the whole adventure. Thanks for reading.


  1. Well, after dissappearing, you've shown your face again. I am glad. I am glad you are keeping busy with your beverage hobbies too. And glad you are posting pics of Thor. I want to hear a WW update really badly! And maybe a funny story from Butch's. Here's a hug for you all-

  2. It is better to think of church in the ale-house than to think of the ale-house in church.

    Martin Luther
